Monday, September 14, 2009

Emma’s first day of school!

I know, I know, it’s been a while!  But hey, I’ve been a little busy around here.  Emma started school, dance, and soccer within the first two weeks of school starting.  So yeah, I’ve been a little busy.

Emma started school on the 24th of August.  She loves it!  Me, not so much!  I hate that she’s not here everyday all day.  I just want her to be a little toddler again, wanting to be with Mommy all day long.  Sigh.  I know she has to grow up but as a mom I want her to stay my little baby. 

So here’s her first day of school pictures.  I found this Ralph Lauren dress at Dillard’s one day and fell in love with it.  Then I found the shoes and fell in love with those too.  Man does she look cute! 

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She was so excited that morning.  She ate, got dressed, and put on her backpack waiting for us to take her to school. 

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She didn’t hesitate when she got into her classroom.  She found her name on a table and sat right down.  This was when I started crying.  But I got myself under control and waited until we left the classroom.  

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All day, I kept thinking about her.  I must have looked at my watch all day long.  That was the longest day of my life.  Dad and the IT Guy took me shopping, you know to keep my mind off of Emma and what she was doing.  I was wondering if she was being taken care of, if she ate all of her lunch, or if she was still hungry,  when she went to the bathroom did she wash her hands?  The typical stuff that a mom usually worries about. But you know what? At the end of the day, she came out of the school and she was fine.  She had a great time, and couldn’t wait to go back the next day!  I, on the other hand, was not ready for her to go back.  And 3 weeks later, I still hate the fact that she goes to school every morning.   I hate the fact that she’s not with me every day.  But I’m getting use to it.  We have a routine and it seems to be getting a little better.  Of course, I can’t think about doing this for 8 more months because if I do I might scream!