Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday Surprise

So, on the day of Emma’s birthday party, we had a little surprise.  Robert had gone to Party City to pick up balloons for Emma’s birthday party and everyone else in the house was asleep.  Well, Emma let the dogs outside and decided she was going to play on her swing set while I fixed her breakfast.  As I was doing this, I heard Emma yelling for me.  When I went out to see what she was doing, I heard this little squeal and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what it was.  Now mind you,  we have 4 dogs in this house.  My two and mom and dad’s two.  Well, all the dogs and Emma were staring at the ground.  I asked her what she was doing and said that one of the dogs found an animal.  Now, we have a lot of snakes around here, and that’s what I thought, so I screamed at Emma and told her to back away.  When I went over there, I found this:

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At first I thought they were rats, and that really grossed me out and to tell the truth, I almost threw them over the fence and go in and have Hazmat come and spray me down….seriously!  But upon looking at these cute little things, I realized they were bunnies! 

We’ve noticed a big rabbit running in the backyard.  So we figured we had a rabbit nest under our deck.  Well, it wasn’t under the deck.  It was under Emma’s swing set.  And there were other babies but they were “sleeping”.  At least that’s what I told Emma.  I think the dogs found them and had a little too much fun, if you know what I mean! 

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But I did find one that was still alive.  He looked pretty bad.  He had blood on his ear and it down his back.  Well,  I got a box and some rags and put them inside.  I had no clue what to do with them but I knew I couldn’t let them die, and they would have, had I not gotten to them. 

But I had a bigger problem, what to do with the “sleeping” bunnies.  Dad was up by then and told him about it.  I mean,  like four “sleeping” bunnies underneath Emma’s swing set.  I had nine kids coming for a party, they couldn’t see that.  So dad came to the rescue.  And what did he do?  Yes, wait for it!  He threw them over the fence!  I totally freaked.  But dad in his sarcastic voice said, “what did you want me to do with them?”.

Now this was Saturday, and we were leaving Monday to go to Louisiana.  What was I going to do with them?  They wouldn’t survive the trip, especially with two dogs in the car.  So, you know what I did?  I pawned them off on my neighbor.  She took them in. She went and got little bottles and formula.  She is such a sweet friend.  Plus she loves animals and I KNEW she would take them in! 

Sad to say, that while we were gone, only one made it.  But it was definitely a learning experience!  And one I hope to not experience again…thank you very much!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Emma’s Luau Birthday Party!

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So my baby is now 5…sigh.  And to mark this momentous occasion, we had a luau birthday party.  My mom is a teacher and the last week of school she had a luau for the kids, so she had a lot of decorations, and she was nice enough to let us borrow them.  But you guys know me, I had to have more decorations!  But to tell you the truth, we didn’t have to buy a lot of stuff!  Yeah!  Which by the way, the IT Guy loved.  

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These were some of the decorations that we had.  The Tiki God was mom’s, as was the pineapple banner.  She had lanterns and we bought luau balloons and I just went crazy decorating.

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Emma picked out this cake by herself.  I loved how it turned out!  And it was delicious!  We got it from Tom Thumb, and Emma wanted chocolate cake, with butter cream frosting in between the layer with a butter cream frosting on top.  It was moist and delicious!  And very rich!

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I didn’t do a big spread like I did last year.  Of course, last year I grilled hamburgers, and hot dogs, and everything else that goes along with a BBQ.  But not this year, nope, we went easy this year, and you know what, it was pretty good.  Instead of chips and dip, we did fruit kebobs, with mangos, strawberries, cherries, pineapple, grapes, and apples.  And it was a hit!  We had no kebobs when the party was over! 

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The kids played outside for a while.  The playscape is always a big hit with kids. 

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And here’s the birthday girl showing her BFF Carly how to hula dance.  And we know how well she hula dances…if you haven’t seen the video on my facebook page, don’t worry, I’ll post it again!   You’re welcome dad!


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See the palm tree?  Yeah, it is a drink cooler.  You put the ice and drinks in the bottom, but ours had a leak!  And it looked like a dying palm tree!  But for $19, I wasn’t gonna buy another one!

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This sweet boy, is Ryan.  I keep him 3 days a week.  And Emma and I love him to death.  Isn’t he cute?  Such a sweetie!

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Here’s Emma patiently waiting for me to light the candles on her birthday cake!

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We sang happy birthday….

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and she blew out the candles!!!

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Now, it was time to eat! 

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This is JD,  he’s my boyfriend!  Seriously!  Love this little kid!

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This is Auston, he’s was on Emma’s T-Ball team, and he is too funny! And he will be an awesome baseball player.  That kid can slide into a base like no one’s business!

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This is Miss Maddie!  She is JD’s sister, and Emma loves her to pieces!  Emma and Maddie take dance together.

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This is Carly, Emma’s BFF.  We live next door to Carly’s family, and I am so glad that they love each other so much!

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And this cute little guy, is Sawyer!  He is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up. 

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After cake and ice cream, the kids wanted to go play outside again.

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And then it was time to open presents!!  Woohoo!

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The birthday girl, got a lot of stuff.  And as you can see, her daddy got her a light saber.  Yes, a light saber.  She loves Star Wars and Star Wars the Clone Wars, so this was a big hit for her.  She told the IT Guy that he needed one so they can go outside after dark and play against each other.  LOL!   So all in all, it was a success!  But now, I’m thinking of what to do next year!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Emma’s Party Invite

So I know I told you that I would show you guys the party invite for Emma’s birthday party.  Well, wait no more!

I found these cute little plastic bottles at Party City, on the bottom shelf, looking all sad and lonely.  And just begging me to take them home.  


Inside the bottle was sand and a little lei.  I rolled the invitation and tied a red ribbon around it.  Then I put the invitation in the bottle, and put the cork in and viola, a message in a bottle invite.  Too cute!   



After I got all 12 assembled I then put the label on the outside, and it was ready to mail out.  Emma was really stoked about these and I have to say, so was I.  I mean you don’t see cute invitations like these all the time. 


I made the IT Guy put some black electrical tape on the outside to keep the cork from coming out.  And I think they turned out really cute!  Now, how do I top this next year?  Of course, I need to make see if I survive this party first!